Lessons in Digital skills and gaining Digital eXPeriences
- Handling computers and accessories responsibly (adapter, mouse, headset)
- Learning to type
- Automation / Learning to code (live coding, coding a bot with directions, Scratch/Blockly/MakeCode lessons for Minecraft Education, Robotball or Drone)
- Digital creation (making and editing a podcast or video, a document/presentation/building project together)
- Media wisdom (responsible behavior online)
- Experiencing Virtual and Augmented Reality (Mixed Reality). Because you learn by associations and by presenting information in Virtual/Augmented Reality, more associations are created.
Do you want to experience Virtual Reality ? You can for only €50 (VAT included)! Some of the game we offer: Gorilla Tag, Beat Saber, Harvest VR, V-Speedway, Onward, Pavlov Shack, Ancient Dungeon, Jurassic World Aftermath, Vader Immortal, A Fisherman's Tale, Epic Rollercoasters, Myst, Anne Frank House VR, International Space Station and much, much more.
Now also bookable for groups!
The latest news is that we can go in one big room togetherto battle, where everyone wears a VR headset and still can play in the same room against one another, Kind of like paintball.
Daarnaast kunnen we een VR workshop verzorgen, voor onderwijs. Laat jullie leerlingen ervaren hoe het is om bv door het zonnestelsel, menselijk lichaam of bijzondere plekken op aarde te reizen.
Bestel een workshop met dit formulier.

Are you anxious for the next Digi afternoon? Where YOU choose from Minecraft, Virtual Reality, flying a drone, playing with a robot dog or one of many other activities? Perhaps at a party?
Then order one 'Digi middag' (per person) and I'll contact you to plan a date, time and location near you.
Are you looking for a license for Minecraft Education Edition? De enige Minecraft versie waar je écht van alles mee kunt leren! Klik dan hier.
Minecraft Education Edition laat je:
- Minecraft spelen
- Minecraft bouwprojecten in creatieve modus opzetten
- Leren programmeren in Makecode (net als Scratch) of Python
- Geeft je scheikunde les, geschiedenis les, of laat je historische plaatsen bezoeken!
Bestel Minecraft Education Edition hier voor €15 (inclusief) per jaar. Je krijgt dan je eigen accountnaam (@digixp.nl)